Rules of Conduct

A warm welcome to our special seaside village. This is a place where you can relax, enjoy the sea and beach, have a barbeque, call on old friends again, and experience the unique atmosphere of Vleesbaai.

Vleesbaai has a rich history commencing during the fifties of the previous century. This history is evident in the narrow streets with closely spaced traditional beach houses on the one hand and comfortable streets with modern houses on the other hand. This outlay of Vleesbaai creates its own unique problems and we therefore request you to note the following and to comply with the rules of conduct in order to ensure good order for an enjoyable stay.


Over and above clean and safe beaches, Vleesbaai also offers other facilities that will enhance your experience:

  • Lifeguards on elevated chairs are available at Middle Beach and Tarka Beach during the December/January holiday period to ensure the safety of swimmers.
  • The tidal pool offers a beautiful and safe area for visitors, especially for families with small children. The making of fires are forbidden because of the fire danger. Follow the trail along the sea from the walkway in the Hoekie to the tidal pool.
  • Toilet facilities are easily accessible approximately halfway between Middle Beach and Tarka Beach. The toilets are open during the April and December/January holidays, seven days a week between the hours of 08h00 and 16h30.
  • The Driehoek ravine has been beautifully developed with the planting of indigenous shrubs and trees. There is a small waterfall and a timber walkway along the edge of the ravine. It is well worth a visit.
  • The Vleesbaai hall has been restored to a graceful building. It doubles as a community hall and a place of worship. Everybody is welcome to attend Christmas and Sunday services.

Vleesbaai has very limited parking facilities. The only public parking areas are along Main Road (Hoofweg), next to the Vleesbaai hall and in Hoekbaai. Streets to the beachfront are all on private property and only accessible to vehicles belonging to residents and their personal visitors. The streets are all narrow and there really is no parking available to visitors. This applies in particular to Gallie Meyer and Muller Avenues and, therefore, boom gates have been installed at their entrances. We therefore request your kind co-operation with the following arrangements:

  • If you are visiting a resident, please park on their premises or ask your host where you may park.
  • If you are a casual or day visitor, we kindly request you to use the parking along Main Road or the parking area in Hoekbaai.
  • If you are a holiday-maker that is staying over, please do not use the parking facilities along Main Road for overnight, medium or long term parking. Rather use the parking area in Hoekbaai.

Please adhere to a speed limit of 30 km/h on the Vleesbaai roads at all times.


There are three routes from Main Road that you can follow to walk down to the beach:

  • Turn left into Driehoek Street out of Main Road and follow the walkway to Middle Beach.
  • Turn left into Fourth Avenue right next to the supermarket and follow the footpath to Middle Beach.
  • Follow Gallie Meyer Avenue left out of Main Road, 50 metres beyond the supermarket, down to Middle Beach on the left or “Die Hoekie” on the right. Follow the walking trail beyond “Die Hoekie” along the sea towards the tidal pool.

Drop and go: If someone in your party is unable to walk, please obtain permission from the official at the main entrance to drop the person at the beach and then return your vehicle to the parking in Main Road.


In accordance with the regulations of Mossel Bay Municipality dogs are allowed between 06:00 and 20:00 on the beach north of Tarka Beach and south of Boggoms Bay subject to the following strict conditions: dogs must be leashed and under strict control of a handler at all times; handlers must ensure that dogs do not interfere with the pleasure of others using the beach; vicious dogs must be muzzled; dog faeces must be removed immediately; bitches on heat are not allowed on the beach; and handlers must ensure that their dogs do not chase or injure wild life. NB: NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED AT ANY TIME ON THE BEACH BETWEEN TARKA BEACH AND “DIE HOEKIE”. TRESPASSERS WILL BE FINED BY THE MOSSEL BAY MUNICIPALITY.


Vleesbaai is part of the Fransmanshoek Conservancy and a variety of wildlife is found in its boundaries, for example small antelope, hare, guinea-fowl, partridge and pheasant. In order to protect the wildlife, dogs must be leashed and under strict control of a handler at all times in the public areas of Vleesbaai. Dog faeces must also be removed immediately.


No fireworks, especially Chinese lanterns, are allowed at any time in Vleesbaai. During the dry summer there are plenty of dry plant material and fireworks present a substantial fire hazard.


Operators of drones are urgently requested to refrain from flying drones in a manner that results in unacceptable intrusions of privacy and danger to persons and properties. The regulations of the regulator for drones, the SA Civil Aviation Authority, explicitly specify the following:

  • DO NOT fly a drone closer than 50 meters from any person, group of persons or any property.
  • DO NOT fly a drone higher than 150 ft from the ground.
  • DO NOT fly a drone without a visual line of sight at any time.

All outdoor lights are to be switched off after 22h00 to prevent inconveniencing neighbours.


Please note that, from the first week in December to the third week in January, household refuse will be removed on Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure that your black refuse bags are put on the pavement before 07:00 in the morning.

Use blue bags available from the Vleesbaai Dienste office for recyclable refuse. Please do not put it on the pavement, but deposit it in the bin for recyclable material at the Vleesbaai Dienste office. Household refuse in black bags can also be deposited in the bin for household refuse at the office. It is very important that you deposit all your refuse bags in the bins at the Vleesbaai Dienste office if you depart on a day that refuse is not collected.


The protection of your possesions against possible thefts is your own responsibility.


Please note that you and the members of your party use the facilities and amenities of Vleesbaai, including all streets, footpaths, staircases and catwalks, at your own risk and that neither Vleesbaai Dienste nor any other Vleesbaai entity will accept responsibility for any damage, loss or injuries suffered.