Other Services
The following services that visitors may require during their stay at Vleesbaai are available:
Basic food and household items | Vleesbaai Shop | 044 699 1167 |
Fuel (petrol only) | Vleesbaai Shop | 044 699 1167 |
Cleaning services | Daleen Goss | 078 151 4704 |
Estate agent | Van le Roux | 083 679 4701 |
Restaurant (1 km) | Hansie en Grietjie Padstal | 082 215 7067 |
Restaurant (± 10 km) | Stoepsit | 076 190 3330 |
Restaurant (± 15 km) | Hokaai | 044 697 7859 |
Therapeutic massages and facials | Serraldi Serfontein | 063 613 6275 |
Tuindienste | G & A Tuindienste | 071 361 7845 |
Besproeiing | Immergroen Besproeiing | 082 820 4508 |