Other Services

The following services that visitors may require during their stay at Vleesbaai are available:

Basic food and household items Vleesbaai Shop 044 699 1167
Fuel (petrol only) Vleesbaai Shop 044 699 1167
Cleaning services Daleen Goss 078 151 4704
Estate agent Van le Roux 083 679 4701
Restaurant (1 km) Hansie en Grietjie Padstal 082 215 7067
Restaurant (± 10 km) Stoepsit 076 190 3330
Restaurant (± 15 km) Hokaai 044 697 7859
Therapeutic massages and facials Serraldi Serfontein 063 613 6275
Tuindienste G & A Tuindienste 071 361 7845
Besproeiing Immergroen Besproeiing 082 820 4508